National | Crime

14 deaths on NZ roads; Asst. Commissioner speaks out

Police are calling for motorists to slow down and take care while travelling these holidays after three more people were killed on our roads recently.

A pedestrian was killed in Tauranga after being struck by a car on Waihi Rd in Judea.

A driver was in a single-car accident on Matawai Rd in Waerenga-ā-Hika and a fatal crash in Waipa that is under investigation by police.

There are now have a total of 14 deaths over this holiday period which is close to our recorded high in the last 5 years.

Road Police Asst. Commissioner Bruce O’Brien reinforced the holiday rules.

"This is absolutely horrendous, we are just reminding people to please be patient out on the roads, take your time, be courteous, don’t drink and drive, keep to the speed limit, please wear your seat belt, and don’t use your cell phone while driving," he says.

The land transport deaths per year report show that even with the lockdowns in 2021 the death toll only dropped one to 319 in comparison to 320 in 2020.

Police presence has increased over the holiday being out on the roads to deter people from being unsafe as the holiday period ends.