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Mount Albert whānau face eviction by Housing NZ

Housing New Zealand will act on an eviction notice this Monday on Raniera Kahui-Ariki, his sister Waiata and her children from their home in Mt Albert.

Raniera, who is wheel chair bound, has been disputing the allegations of anti-social behaviour for four years, and Housing NZ won't listen to their evidence.

Now they are facing the reality of becoming homeless.

The house in question has been the home to siblings Raniera and Waiata Kahui-Ariki for the past seven years, but for the past four years it's been the property of much debate.

Waiata Kahui-Ariki says, “As of Monday Housing New Zealand are going to come in and do what I've been told is a Dawn Raid.  We were given a 12 day extension to find alternative housing in Northland, basically they want us out of this upper-class area.”

Earlier this year they were issued a 90-day eviction notice from their home, following allegations of anti-social behaviour. Allegations they say were unfounded.

Marama Kahui-Ariki says, “It didn't really matter how much proof we had submitted to Housing New Zealand.  We went to all the meetings to prove that this wasn't happening.  They made their mind up it was, they wouldn't listen.”

Housing New Zealand issued this statement in response to the Kahui-Ariki whānau's concerns.

"As a landlord we do not tolerate anti-social behaviour and have a clear process to follow if there are repeated instances by tenants or their associates.  Evicting a tenant is very much the last resort for Housing New Zealand.  This decision has been made after careful consideration, and an extensive period during which we have provided the tenant every opportunity to rectify their behaviour and maintain the tenancy."

Raniera is a paraplegic and suffers from a severe head injury and wasn't prepared to front the cameras today after the news they have less than a week to find alternative accommodation.

Marama Kahui-Ariki says, “They're going to be evicted, they're going to be homeless, they're going to  have nowhere to go, and it's not that easy to accommodate someone in a wheelchair.”