Regional | Aotearoa

He powhiri nui i ngā tuatangata Orimipia o Aotearoa

Kua hoki mai ngā tuatangata Orimipia o Aotearoa, me ngā mētara tekau mā waru te nui, e whā ngā mētara koura, e iwa ngā mētara hiriwa, ā e rima anō ngā mētara rauwhero.  I tae atu te tini me te mano ki te kapua i te puku o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te tuku pōwhiri i a rātou.

I tūtaki kanohi ki te kanohi ngā kaiwhaiwhai i a rātou tuatangata Orimipia.

Hei tā te kaiapataki a Jeff Haimona Tukua, “ miharo pai taku ngakau kite atu i a ratou i whiwhi metara ne. I tu ratou i runga i te atamira mo tatou katoa o aotearoa whanui.”

E āhua kotahi rau whitu tekau ngā kaiwhakataetae i tae atu ki tēnei pōwhiri a te marea i muri i tā rātou hokinga mai ki te kainga i te ata hāpara.

Ea ia ki a Lisa Carrington, he kaihoe waka , “It’s amazing to see a whole bunch of school kids and lots of family and friends and even meeting the other athletes family and friends is really cool.”

Hei tā Terina Te Tamaki he kaiwhutuporo, “Definitely going home to see my dog i missed him for a very long time and then seeing my parents and the rest of my family and just all my friends and being home and getting into my own bed.”

Ā kei te āpuru hoki ngā whānau o ngā tuatangata pēnei i te māmā o Tyler Nathan-Wong, te kaitātakaro nō te kapa wāhine tokowhitu.

E ai ki a Deanne Nathan-Wong he māmā ki a Tyler Nathan Wong, “It’s a dream come true not only for her but for us cos when she was young she used to watch the Olympics and she'd say to me mum one day I’d love to be at the Olympics and I said to her well you know you never know you set your little goals when you're younger and each time you get bigger and bigger and eventually she got there.”

Ko te whakatau a ētahi tuatangata ka whai anō i te ara whakataetae hei ngā tau e wha e haere ake nei heoi mā ko ētahi atu ka noho motuhenga.