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He papakāinga kua huraina ki Papamoa

He papakāinga ka puea ake ki tētahi wāhi hanganga takaāwhio i Papamoa. E ai ki ngā kaiwāhi whenua nō mua noa atu i ngā tau kotahi mano ono rau ki ngā tau kotahi mano waru rau.

Ko te Pā o Papamoa kei runga ka heke te titiro ki ngā mahi whakapai rori kei raro.

Ko tā tētahi kaumātua nō Ngā Pōtiki, nō Ngāti Pūkenga hoki, ko tā Des Kahotea, "Ko tēnei wāhi a Papamoa i roto i Te Kaunihera o Tauranga. He teretere te wāhi te whakatū whare me te whakatakoto ngā rori. Ko ērā mahi kei te whakakore ngā wāhi tūpuna."

I ngā wiki pakupaku o te waihanga ara takaāwhio, neke atu i te toru rau ngā whaipara papakāinga i huraina.

E ai ki a Wayne Troughton, te kaiwhakahaere wāhi mahi o NZTA, "When we first stripped to top soil off we found some whare with the holes where the posts go. We also found kumara pits with hangi stones and fire pits. What was unique about the find was that the whare were all lined up, so there was about four of them I believe and that indicated that they'd all lived here at the same time and it was an organised site."

He āhuatanga kua whakahuatia e te tiamana o Ngā Pōtiki hei kitenga whānui nā te whakatāonetanga o te rohe.

Ko tā te tiamana o Ngā Pōtiki, ko tā Colin Reeder, "It's a double edged sword. Our people get the benefits of 20th century urbanization but it also comes at a cost. The cost, of course, is that a lot of our heritage is destroyed or damaged so the role of our resource management team is to try and mitigate that as much as we can."

Mō te wā nei, kei ngā ringa o te rōpu Pouhere Taonga ngā whaipara e mātaitia ana.