National | Geothermal

He tono kia noho a Te Arawa ki waenga pū i ngā kōrero mātai aronuku

E karanga ana te heamana o Te Tatau o Te Arawa kia noho atu ai te iwi ki waenga pū i ngā kōrero mātai aronuku ki Rotorua. He mea whai atu tēnei i te whakaputanga kaupapa a Nahinara, he kotahi rau, e rima tekau mano tāra te nui kia mātai i ngā āheinga pūngao ngāwha ki Te Waiariki.

Mai rā anō te nohonga tahi o Te Arawa ki ngā ngāwha maha o Rotorua me te arotau ki te pūngao aronuku o te rohe.

Ko tā te heamana, Te Tatau o Te Arawa, ko tā Te Taru White, "Te Arawa has always had an unbroken relationship with the geothermal sources. A lot of the ngāwha used for bathing, cooking, all those sort of things, have been unbroken."

Ēngari, e rima ōrau noa o te pūngao aronuku ki Rotorua kei te whakamahia, ā, ko tā te heamana o Te Tatau o Te Arawa, ko tā Te Taru White, me mātai tērā tatauranga.

"To be able to use a resource that our people have used way back in time to now, it'd be nice to think that we can actually apply it to warming houses, apply it in a way that our people can afford it, apply it in a way to use those geothermal resources for family, for papakāinga housing. For example, being able to zoom in and create heat resources for collective and community uses. Heck, it's a no-brainer."

E ai ki te Kaunihera o Rotorua, kua tohua kētia te kotahi rau rima mano tāra o te kāwanatanga kia whakatū hinonga whakawhanake pūngao aronuku. Ko tā White, me kōrero te kaunihera ki te iwi.

"I might suggest that Te Arawa will play a prominent role in that space. I know conversations have been had around the table about more involvement of Te Arawa land owners in this conversation, so I expect that to happen."

Kei mua i te aroaro o te hinonga, arā o Te Toi Moana Geothermal Economic Action Plan, ko te whai kaiārahi hou.