National | Geothermal

E hia miriona tāra te nui ka whai tūranga mahi hou te māori.

He pakihi waikaukau kei ngā mirona tāra te nui ka whakatūngia ki te taha roto o Rotorua e Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust. Ko atu i te tekau miriona tāra te tahua pūtea ka hoki ki te ohanga o te tāone ia tau, a, he whai mahi hoki tēnei huarahi mo ngā Māori pēra i te haukainga anō o Ngāti Whakaue.

He tirohanga hou ki Rotorua hei nga rua tau. Toru tekau miriona tāra te utu, ā kua tapaina ki te Wai Ariki.

Ko tā Monty Morrison o Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust, “Mōhio tātou he mauri tā te wai, he mana tō te wai nōreira kia mātou o Ngāti Whakaue, Te Arawa, kei konei mātou mai rāno.”

Ko Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust ngā kaipupuri, ko Belgravia Leisure o Ahitereria te kaiwhakahāere. E whakapono ana rātou ka noho tēnei waahi hei puna waikaukau kaitā i te tuakoi tonga o te ao.

Engari kua whakatakotoria e Ngati Whakaue a rātou inoi.

Ko tā te kaitohu o Pukeroa Oruawhata, David Tapsell, “Part of our agreement with them, we want you to employ local people in particular, Ngāti Whakaue people, if you don't feel like they are ready you can train them, they've agreed to all of that which i believe is a fantastic position for us.”

Hei tā Tapsell, toru tekau mā rima te hunga ka whai mahi, katahi ka kake ake ki te waru tekau kaimahi.

“That's in addition to the two years of work that will be required just to build this facility, you know 6,500 square meters. That's a big building so there's a lot of money that will be turning through this and going right into this local economy.”

Koinei te pakihi waikaukau tuatahi a te Māori, ko te rerekētanga - he whāriki i te puna mātauranga o Te Arawa hoki.

“He tikanga moemoea a kui mā, a koro mā. Tēra te tuatahi, tuarua he momo kōrero kei muri nā i te whakatū i te whakaaro e pā ana ki a Ranginui rāua ko Papatuanuku. Koina te timatanga,” tā Morrison.

Ka timata ngā mahi hangana ki tēnei whenua o Kaura Māwhitiwhiti hei ngā marama e rua e kainamu mai nei.