National | Gisborne

Te Mana Kuratahi winners Te Kura o Te Teko proud to represent Mātaatua

Bay of Plenty school Te Kura o Te Teko are the newly crowned champions of the National Primary schools competition which was held this week in Gisborne.

It's a first time for the small rural school, who placed first above 56 other primary schools.

Te Kapa Hurutea o Horouta Wānanga came third, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waioweka gained second place but the children were the real winners of the week.

It was the children along with Māori performing arts that assembled today's crowd.

The competition came to an end with the announcement of the winners, the moment of truth everyone's been waiting for.

It was the energy and passion of these youngsters that stole the show. Although Te Teko came third place in the last competition, they take home the big trophy today.

The female leader of Te Kura o Te Teko - Ngā Taiohi says, "Makes us feel proud and we're proud to represent our rohe Mātaatua."

The male leader of Te Kura o Te Teko - Ngā Taiohi says, "We're so happy because at other Mana Kuratahi we came fourth and third but now we've come first. We have a long trip home but our family will all be really happy.”

The bi-annual competition will be held next in Waikato in 2019.