National | Jami-Lee Ross

Ross releases ‘donations’ texts amidst misconduct allegations

Ex-National MP Jami-Lee Ross has released text messages between himself and National Party general manager Greg Hamilton about the alleged single $100,000 donation Ross says was separated into smaller amounts.

Ross says it is proof the National Party knew the donation was questionable.

Texts released by Jami-lee Ross - Images / Twitter

But National Party president Peter Goodfellow says there was no $100,000 donation.

"The Botany Electorate of the National Party received eight donations, and Mr Ross declared eight donations to us.”

He would not comment further.

Yesterday Ross released a recording in which he and National leader Simon Bridges discussed the donation.  The recording is being investigated by Police.

Bridges denies the allegations, accusing Ross of defaming him and being a “liar”.

On Thursday morning Ross faced new allegations from four women who spoke to Newsroom about his behaviour towards them.

Two claim they had affairs with Ross amongst other allegations of bullying, inappropriate behaviour and grooming for access to information.

Ross did not comment on the allegations but says he is considering his legal options.

Yesterday Ross told reporters he was “perfectly comfortable with his conduct”.

Amidst the political turmoil, Bridges asserts he remains strong in his leadership position and that his caucus backs him 100 percent.