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"Me tieki i ngā taonga tuku iho"

Ko tā te Perehitini o Kiribati a Tanei Mamau ko ngā taonga tuku iho ngā rawa o te ahurea. I tae atu ia ki te rongo i ngā taonga o Kiribati e manaakitia ana e te Whare Taonga o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te maru o te Pacific Collection Access Project.

“We've lost some of our treasures, cultural values but they are here, and they are sacred in a way we value them because they are the legends and the values of our people,” te kī a Perehitini Taneti Mamau.

Kiribati treasures within the Pacific Collection Acess Project - Photo / File

Hei tā te kaiarahi ā-hapū a Charles Enoka Kiata (ONZM) e whakapapa ana ngā taonga nei ki te rau tau tekau mā waru.

“We have the opportunity as younger generations to come and visit them and learn their stories, their purpose and what it means to us,” te kī a Charles Enoka Kiata.

Ono mano ngā taonga iwi moutere kei te manaakitia i te maru o Pacific Collection Access Project (PCAP), tekau mā rua mano nō Kiribati.

“As Kiribati people in New Zealand, we need to see these items to be preserved and continue their life, we need to engage and participate and celebrate them,” te kī a Charles Enoka Kiata.

I ngā tai e horo ana i te moutere o Kiribati, he rautaki tā rātau kia ora tonu ai te iwi, otirā kia whanake tonu ai te ahurea.

Ko tā Taneti Mamau, “We are similar in NZ, it's an island in the Pacific, climate change is a global phenomenon, and it’s a real threat for all of us.”

Hei tāna anō, e ora ai te ahurea me tieki i ngā taonga.