Regional | Milk

Te whāinga whakaheke tukunga waro a Kāwana “kua tauaro” e ai ki te kaipāmu Māori

Nā te kāwanatanga me te rāngai ahumahi matua i whakapuaki tāna whāinga ki te tau 2025 i te rā nei hei whakaheke i te tukunga waro i Aotearoa.

“The announcement has never been new to us and we’ve always used to campaign and be part of a solution to move things faster,” te kī a te kaipāmu Māori, a Gloria Koia.

“What is the process of how they going to process it? Because we’re going to be the ones implementing that plan,” tā Koia.

Ko Koia te heamana o Kōkako Trust, ā ka whakahaere i ngā pāmu kau e toru i runga i te 1400 heketea o ngā whenua Māori i Putaruru.

Hei tāna, nō mai anō kua tauaro ngā whakahaere, ka mutu, ko te taiao kē te mātāmua ki te Māori, ā ko ngā hua pakihi ka rere ki muri. E māharahara ana ia, ka kore te Māori e whai wāhi atu ki te rautaki.

E āmine atu ana te ahumahi matua ki te kaupapa i whakapuakitia e te kāwanatanga i te rā nei, ko ‘He Waka Eke Noa’ - he whāinga kia whakaheke i te tukunga waro atu ki te tau 2025. Heoi, e ai ki a Koia, he manako te koura e kore ai.

“I think they’re being very brave making that statement because it’s going to take a time to actually do the job properly. I would say by 2025 people will be more informed. They’ve got it all back to front,”

E aronui ana te Kāwanatanga ki te ara e mahitahi ai ki te Māori, he mea nui kia angitu ai te rautaki mahi tahi i te taha o ngā mana kaipāmu.

"I'm proud that we have a world-first agreement as part of our plan to tackle the long-term challenge of climate change and we've done that by reaching an historic consensus with our primary sector," te kōrero a te Pirimia, a Jacinda Adern.

"This plan provides the primary sector with certainty and puts us shoulder-to-shoulder on a path to reduce emissions, with ongoing support to help with the plan such as the $229 million Sustainable Land Use investment."

Kaare a Federated Farmers i te tautoko kia raua atu ngā pānga tuku waro ahuwhenua ki te kaupapa Emission Trade Scheme ETS ki te kore e wātea ai ngā kaipāmu ki ngā tino hangarau, ki te whakawhanake hoki i ngā ture.

"He Waka Eke Noa is clear that the ETS has not worked to lower emissions and will not work for agriculture," tā kī a Andrew Hoggard, perehetini tuarua o Federated Farmers, māngai take āhuarangi anō hoki.

Ko te rautaki, e rima tau te roa nei, e hāngai atu ana te aro ki ngā kaipāmu, kaiwhakatipu kai hoki, kia rite ai, kia mārama hoki me pēhea te whakaheke i te tukunga waro me te whai hua pūtea tonu. E māharahara ana ngā kaipāmu, kei pākia te whakaputa hua, ā ka whai hua ake ko ngā hoariri o Aotearoa i tāwāhi.

"New Zealanders also need to realise that any reduction in emissions achieved here through reduced production, will likely only be replaced with production in countries that have higher emissions per unit of output, and usually by subsidised farming sectors," tā Andrew.

Ahakoa te whai a Kōkako Trust kia tauwhirotia ai tā rātou pakihi, ko te tiaki i te taiao mā ngā uri whakaheke te matua.

“It’s quite simple really. As a parent I have an obligation to ensure that my children understand that my mokopuna learn it,” tā Koia.

“No one has actually gone and researched how and that’s what I’ve done with this team.”