Regional | Art

Location of Endeavour replicas open for discussion

Community consultation on the Endeavour replica installations will take place tonight at the Gisborne District Council.

This follows a peaceful protest by Tangata Whenua and community members, who requested public consultation on what is acknowledged by the council as a contentious matter. 

Four drop-in sessions will be held at Council's Awarua administration building at Fitzherbert Street, ‪from July 27 to July 30‬ from 5pm-7pm.

Attendees can fill out hard copy surveys that are identical to online versions.

Feedback on the Endeavour models is open ‪until 16 August‬.

For more information or to make your submission online, go to the council website and click on the Have Your Say section.

Following community consultation, decisions will be made on where the Endeavour models should be placed.