National | Auckland Council

Bus runs on water to address climate change

Auckland Transport is trialling a new hydrogen bus as part of its ambition for public transport with zero emissions. The outcome of this trial will help bus operators make informed decisions about which technology should be selected, based on real-world trials to address the impacts of climate change.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says that like electrical buses, hydrogen buses are a lot cheaper to operate as well as being much friendlier to the environment.

Today, Aucklanders saw the hydrogen bus being trialled for the first time.

The trial intends to test operational performance and encourage greater uptake of hydrogen buses; and production of green hydrogen.

“First thing is you put your nose under the exhaust pipe and you'll find the only thing that comes out of it is water.”

It is estimated that Auckland public transport creates 40% of carbon emissions. The estimated cost of the full transition to zero-emission (including EV and hydrogen) is expected to be between $150 million to $200 million.

Auckland Transport’s largest expense for the trial is the purchase of the hydrogen bus, which is $1.175m. The hydrogen bus trial will run from Botany to Britomart.

Transport Minister Michael Woods said the hydrogen bus trial was a really important moment for Auckland" but also for our broader ambitions to build a clean carbon zero transmission.”