National | Ngāti Toa

Porirua harbour: Ngāti Toa's focus on fresh kai, clean healthy waterways

Photo credit / Stuff

Ngāti Toa is involved in a transformational project to improve the water quality of Porirua’s harbour, Te Awarua-o-Porirua, and the city’s streams and waterways.

The project which sees Ngāti Toa partnering with Porirua City Council and Sustainable Coastlines received a multi-million dollar boost today, with the government committing $3 million to the project over five years, as part of its jobs for nature programme. The council will invest $4.8 million and Sustainable Coastlines are also financial contributors.

The 20-year project aims to plant more than 600,000 plants on the banks of the 588km of streams that run into the harbour, to help restore the mauri of Te Awarua-o-Porirua and its waterways.

Ngāti Toa says many positive benefits will flow from this mahi.

"Before I see out my days it is my wish and the right of our people that we once again enjoy the gift of fresh kai from our harbour and swim in clean healthy waterways, says Ngāti Toa chief executive Helmut Modlik.

"Toitū te Marae o Tāne, Toitū te Marae o Tangaroa, Toitū te Iwi - protect and strengthen the realms of the Land and Sea, and they will protect and strengthen the people."