Regional | Australia

Australians still divided over legalising same sex marriage

A nationwide postal vote in Australia is causing major controversy over gay marriage. 16 million registered voters have until November 7 to decide whether Australian law should change to allow same sex couples to marry.

Australians are still divided over whether same sex marriage should be made legal.

"I would ask the question why marriage because marriage is a godly institution," says one Vote No Campaigner.

Vote No Campaigner Jeff Collins says, "The problem with changing the marriage act, equality of same sex couples means inequality for children. Children have the right to have a mother and a father, and just by definitition of same sex marriage, they are going to miss out on one or the other."

The issue has seen a series of rallies being held across country for the last three months. Those in favour are pushing for equality.

Vote Yes advocate Matt Hall says, "It's a human right and it will give the LGBTI community equality and that's all they are seeking."

Matt Hall was the first Aussie rules footballer to publicly come out 15 years ago. He says Australia has come a long way since, but he doesn't agree with the nationwide voluntary vote.

"I believe the non-binding plebiscite is a waste of $122 million that could've been much better spent. As I've said, health and education are more important than causing an argument between the LGBTI community and others."

10.8 million votes have been received with just three weeks left. A recent poll says 38% have voted against and 59% have voted in favour of changing the law.

If it's a majority vote yes, then same sex marriage can be introduced for debate in parliament. However, if it's a no, then that's the end of it.