National | Hauora

Case numbers drop, rules for Level 3 announced in-depth - 4.30pm Newsbreak

- While Aotearoa still remains at Alert Level 4, the Prime Minister has announced what Level 3 would look like.

New Zealanders will be able to expand their bubbles when the country moves out of Level 4 but there will still be many restrictions which include:

  • Sticking to existing bubbles but some expansion is allowed for example with caregivers
  • Businesses without a customer-facing function may open
  • While there will be more travel to work, there will be restricted movements to regions
  • Funerals and wedding will be limited to 10 people with no meals or receptions
  • Early childhood centres and schools will be available up to Year 10 only, but attendance is purely voluntary.

- The number of new cases for COVID-19 has reached 1,401 after rising 15 overnight. In total, 770 people have recovered from COVID-19 infection, up by 42 from yesterday. That means more than half of the people who have contracted COVID-19 have also recovered from the infection.

- Infrastructure Minister Shane Jones is urging Minister for Trade and Export Growth David Parker to relax the RMA processes in an effort to fast track infrastructure projects and support more Māori into employment. The Ministers have been working with industry leaders to find projects that will be ready to start as soon as the construction industry is up and running.