Regional | Environment

Iwi concern for the pohutukawa at Cape Reinga

Far North iwi have serious concerns for the sacred pohutukawa at Cape Reinga following the recent arrival of the fungal disease known at myrtle rust to our shores.

John Witana of Te Runanganui o Te Aupouri says, "We are afraid for our sacred pohutukawa at the the leaping place of the spirits as of priority and for all the coastal pohutukawa.  So it's not just an issue for Te Aupouri but for all coastal tribes."

The disease that was first sighted in New Zealand last week at a nursery in Kerikeri has now been found at a second nursery in the area.

Mark Bateman of the Ministry of Primary Industries says, "This is a fight for the whole community.  We're here to support the community work with the community and together face this threat.  The message that we're sending out is if you see something, keep away from it don't touch it photograph it and contact us immediately."

Local iwi are also concerned after finding last month that the disease is already endemic on Raoul Island in the Kermadecs.  Resources have been sent to the island with a treatment plan to try and contain it in that environment.

John Witana says, "DOC and MPI staff are already active in Te Aupouri and Ngāti Kuri checking the coastal areas and the manuka country to gauge the extent of this issue."