National | King Tuheitia

Kīngi Tuheitia gets first Covid-19 jab

Today Kīngi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero Vll and Makau Ariki Atawhai received their first dose of the Pfizer and BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.

"The day began as all Kīngitanga days do, with the raising of the King's flag, Manawa, and Karakia," said Archdeacon Ngira Simmonds, the King's chief of staff. "Tikanga, karakia, whānau, wairuatanga and Hauora are all vital things for Te Iwi Maaori and today after considering the information from health officials and on the advice of his medical team the King has received his first dose of the vaccine."

KīngiTuheitia is passionate about the wellbeing of all people, particularly Te Iwi Maaori, and encourages whānau to be informed and make good choices about their health.

The 1918 influenza pandemic had a devastating impact on Te Iwi Maaori and in that time the Kiingitanga led a strong response in prioritising the health and wellbeing of the people. Today the King continues that legacy.

Kiingi Tuheitia and Makau Ariki Atawhai have encouraged whānau to make their own choice based on good information. They have chosen to receive the vaccine because they believe it is a good and positive step forward for their health, the health of their whānau and all others in Aotearoa.

For more information

Ministry of Health website

Advice for whānau re the Covid-19 Vaccination

Turuki Health Care Covid-19 vaccination process explanation (Explained by Dr Lily Fraser)