National | Indigenous

Minister heads to UN to offer strategies for other indigenous peoples

The Minister for Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta is set to address the United Nations to fight for Indigenous Peoples' rights around the world.

Minister Mahuta explained they are taking a number of the government's policies to add to the current declaration, not to instruct but to clarify our policies to add to the declaration.

Knowing that indigenous peoples from around the world are looking at NZ and our strategies, she says, some they may want to implement or even consider.

Mahuta says the main purpose is to go there and clarify our needs and hopefully create a road map for the government to follow.

She says Te Maihi Karauna has been launched, to work in parallel with Te Maihi Māori, which will contribute to our overall te reo Māori strategy, along with a number of other strategies.

There are a number of strategies indigenous peoples can use as well.