National | Politics

Native Affairs - Media Panel

When it comes to news the old saying is "If it bleeds it leads" and, when it comes to reporting on Māori, privilege and gravy trains make for better headlines than land alienation and inter-generational poverty.

But, according to a new report by the Human Rights Commission, when it comes to reporting issues of race, the New Zealand media are doing well.  Politicians on the other hand, two in particular, still have some way to go.

Both Winston Peters and former Act leader Jaymie Whyte are cited by the report as being our most negative politicians when it comes to race related issues, while Māori issues have the largest proportion of negative sentiment.

To discuss these findings, Mihingarangi Forbes is joined in studio by Race Relations Commissioner Susan Devoy, AUT's Māori and Pacific journalism lecturer Richard Pamatatau and journalist Richard Langston, who has worked in print, radio and television.