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Ngā Uri a Te Wai-o-Tāiki off to Italy and Spain

A dress rehearsal, entertainment, a performance in front of their peers and families, for Ruapōtaka Marae’s haka group, Ngā Uri a Te Wai-o-Tāiki, ahead of their departure for Italy and Spain this Sunday.

They performed in front of their families and their peers in preparation for their trip to Italy and Spain.

Ngā Uri a Te Wai-a-Taiki, will be departing this Sunday, to represent Māori at an International Folk Festival, with 20 of them performing in Italy and the other 16 performing for the Basque people of Spain.

As well as the Māori language, they will be showcasing Māori culture, traditions, and the beauty of our heritage, but they will also see various other cultures on show.

For many, travelling overseas will be a new experience, however among the group there are the seasoned professionals, who look forward to sharing all things Māori with everyone who attends the festivals.