Regional | Christchurch

Ngāi Tahu's sentiment to repay nation's kindness during their tragedy

Repaying the nation for its kindness is the sentiment behind Ngāi Tahu's hosting of Te Matatini this year.  Dubbed "He Ngākau Aroha", the festival is the culmination of the finest Ngāi Tahu has to offer.

As Te Kāea political reporter Maiki Sherman describes, "The rebuild is continuing here in Christchurch, four years after the devastating quake.  When the ground shook here, Ngāi Tahu were touched by the outpour of support from across the country.

So as Māori converge here for Te Matatini 2015, Ngāi Tahu want to take this opportunity to thank everyone."

A tribute from this Australian-based group, for a city on the mend.

Ngāi Tahu says it has invested well over a million dollars to help host Te Matatini.  However, it's not about the money.

It seems to be paying off, Te Matatini fever is catching on.  As groups converge from all corners, it will certainly provide a boost to the economy.

The prayer now is for the ship to sail smoothly.

All that's left for the performers now is to count the hours and their blessings.