Regional | Elections

Rahui Papa maintains confidence despite poll results

Despite the backing of the Kingitanga the latest polls show Rahui Papa lagging in the race for the Hauraki-Waikato seat.

Regardless of the poll results Papa seemed confident he had the ability to sway voters in his direction.

In the Hauraki-Waikato Election Aotearoa debate Papa said he is motivated by the backing of the Kingitanga and will continue to push for the vote right till the bitter end.

According to Election Aotearoa poll results Mahuta sits on 78%, more than tripling her rival Papa, on 22%.

The poll was conducted between 11 July and 3 September and asked 400 voters who their preferred candidate was in Hauraki-Waikato.

While Nanaia thanked participants who expressed support for her in the poll she said.

“It reflects the sentiment I’m hearing on the ground and certainly other Labour Māori candidates, but polls don’t win elections, people do.”

When pressed about the apparent lack of impact the support of the Kingitanga had in the poll results,  the incumbent MP talked around the issue but did not give a direct answer.

However when the question was put to Papa as to whether it was a “slap in the face to the king.”

Papa replied, “No definitely not it was a show of his opinion and this is just one poll, every poll that’s come out since they started polling in the next election has all been different and so you just take it with a grain of salt. Nanaia is right the only poll that matters is on Election Day. “