Regional | Flooding

Rising waters threaten to cut off Whanganui

Civil Defence Is tonight warning that Whanganui is likely to be cut off within hours.

Iwi liaison officer Chris Kumeroa told Te Kāea tonight the Whanganui river is expected to be at its highest at 11pm.

“We’re currently going through mild evacuations now and moving people to higher ground,” he said.

“We need to make sure that people will have enough water and food for 2-3 days until emergency services kick in.”

Whanganui was declared a state of emergency earlier tonight. Accommodation along the river is being sand bagged as the river rises.

Worst hit is expected to be Anzac Parade, Putiki Marae and Kowhai Park.

Chris Kumeroa said there are 12 marae whom the iwi liaison is trying to establish communication with. A leadership hui is planned for 8am in the morning followed by a civil defence meeting at 9am.