Regional | Tainui

Tainui Waka Kapa Haka Festival - Te Hāona Kaha

Te Hāona Kaha officially came together as a kapa haka in 2012.

From Waikato-Maniapoto rohe, their Ngāti Apakura descendants affiliate to Pūrekireki, Kahotea and Hui Te Rangiora marae.

As a rōpū, their aim is to set the foundation for generations to come, to stand strong as Ngāti Apakura, as Waikato-Maniapoto.

They participated in the last Tainui Waka Kapa Haka Festival in 2012, and this year, their leaders are Raana Huata and Te Ingo Ngāia.

Here is their whakawātea.