Regional | Australia

Tony Abbott to cut welfare for those who don't immunise children

Aboriginal doctor Woolombi Waters says the fight to save Aboriginal communities in Australia from being closed is a world issue and the announcement from Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to cut welfare to those who don't immunise their children is yet another blow to the Aboriginal community.

For generations, the Aboriginal people of Australia have had claim to these lands but now the government is serving them an eviction notice.

Woolombi Waters says, “This is colonialism in the 21st century.  This is for profit and stealing of Aboriginal lands and natural resources in the 21st century.”

Leaving many homeless as they try to pick up the pieces to start their lives all over again.

This, the latest announcement in Australia, that would see welfare cut to those who do not immunise their children.

Woolombi Waters says, “This is yet another hard stick approach in regards to how healthcare and those that are the lowest income earners are no longer given freedom of choice on how they treat the healthcare of their children but ramifications of a loss of welfare payments.”

The Māori Party here in New Zealand has been very vocal in their support of the plight of the Aborigine.

Marama Fox says, "I'm not saying that I support Tony Abbott in what he is saying but I do support what the doctors says is best for the next generation.”

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is due to fly into New Zealand on Sunday.

With planned rallies for his arrival, it's fair to say he won't be kissing any more babies any time soon.