Regional | Settlements

Tūhoe descend upon Parliament

Ngāi Tūhoe have been welcomed into Parliament to witness the signing of the tribe's Treaty settlement with the Crown.

An estimated 1400 Tūhoe descendants gathered for the historic occasion where the Crown will formally apologise for its brutal treatment of the people of Mataatua.

Tūhoe will receive a redress package worth $170 million, a formal apology and the Iwi will co-manage Te Urewera National Park with the Government.

In five years, it will negotiate moving ahead with Mana Motuhake, which would provide the Iwi more control over its own education and social services.

We have attached a small snippet of the pōhiri to this story and all the details will be broadcast on Te Kāea tonight at 5:30pm and 7:00pm with subtitles.