
Wahine Māori writes inspiring 'love letter' to her tinana

After being inspired by a “body positivity” post entitled - "Letter to my back rolls" - Nichola Te Kiri of Tūhoe made her own version called “Letter to my Tinana.”

“I wanted to start a conversation with my daughters about how we are worthy of self-love and how we are worthy of any kind of love and that we are beautiful no matter the size and shape that we are.”

Letter to my Tinana / Source YouTube

After undergoing a gastric sleeve operation in May 2020, Te Kiri felt inspired to share her message and journey with the world by creating a video that she has shared on her social media platforms.

“The core message I believe is to be transparent first of all and to acknowledge the amazing vessels that our bodies are.

“Post-surgery has been a big shift in my mentality, a big shift in the relearning about my body.”

Te Kiri said she has received nothing but positive responses from the public, especially from women,

" I've actually enjoyed people saying they are going to start loving their tinana now and writing love letters to their own tinana.