National | Budget

Whānau Ora a big loser in the Government's budget

Whānau Ora was a big loser in the budget, not receiving any extra funding. Minister of Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta said that it was because it was under review.

“Minister Henare who is responsible for the portfolio has indicated that he wants a review to look at the way that Whānau Ora is commissioning for outcomes," says Mahuta.

Speaking to Kawekōrero she maintains there are many gains for Māori in the budget,  despite only $53 million going towards Māori-focused initiatives - half of what was allocated by the previous Government.

Mahuta goes on to say, "Nobody has closed the door on what the future will look like and the minister wants to make sure that he can secure opportunity and support in other areas, especially when a commissioning approach might get cut through and get better outcomes.”

The Labour Party said during the campaign that they would invest an extra $20 into Whānau Ora.