National | Budget

What will Budget Day 2021 look like?

Today is Budget Day - Tahua 2021.

It's the day the government will make its annual announcements on where funding will go in the next year and how much will be spent.

Of huge interest for Māori, is what percentage of the budget will go towards Māori needs.

Te Ao Māori News political reporter Whatitiri Te Wake says today is exciting.

"What we know is that in the last budget, Māori got 0.3% of the total budget of money. So we're all waiting with bated breath to find out how much money Māori will get."

"The Minister of Finance Grant Robertson was asked last night about the government's key priorities for this year's budget.

"No 1, he outlined Covid-19 - Covid response, Covid recovery.

"The second priority is accelerating that Covid response, so we're talking about employment, business.

"The third one, I think this one that most aligns with Māori, is the foundational issues that the government considers that continue to impact people in Aotearoa."

These include housing affordability, climate change, and child wellbeing.

"We already know that Māori feature highly in the statistics that disproportionately affect Māori, whether it be education, health or wellbeing.

"We're all just waiting to see how much money Māori will get and whether or not that's enough money to attack the issues that continue to impact Māori."

Be sure to tune in to our live stream on Te Ao's Facebook page or on for coverage of Budget Day - Tahua 2021, at 2pm today.